Research Paper On Cell Phone While Driving

3 min readJan 8, 2021

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A qualitative phenomenological study on cell phone usage while driving was conducted through interviewing eight police officers. four driving instructors. and eight parents of teens and young adults to better understand why cell phones usage while driving is so popular. Six themes were discovered related to cell phone use while driving.

Summary This research paper describes the issue of the driving and using cell phones. that have become the most basic accessory of even the poorest people in the society today. The researcher of the essay analyzes the behavior of drivers influenced by consequences of using cell phone… Download full paper File format:. doc. available for editing

This paper analysis published results of the research into the connection between mobile phone use while driving and traffic safety. Ever since the introduction of the first mobile phones. the authors have been examining the risks associated with its use in traffic. namely: prevalence or frequency of mobile phone use while driving. characteristics of drivers who make more frequent use of . . .

The consequences of using a phone while driving Introduction Use of cell phones while driving should be banned in all the places as it causes a lot of distraction. also it can cause some harm to the driver and also the persons or passengers near the driver and this can consequently lead to accidents. These … Continue reading “The consequences of using a phone while driving Research Paper Help”

Expert testimony. public opinion. and even cartoons suggest that driving while phoning is dangerous. Frances Bents and expert on the relationship between cell phones and accidents estimates that between 450 and 1. 000 crashes a year have some connection to cell phone use (Layton C9).

Cell phone use is increasing worldwide. leading to a concern that cell phone use while driving increases accidents. Several countries. as well as two states and many municipalities in the U. S. . have banned the use of hand-held cell phones while driving. In this paper. we develop a new approach for estimating the relationship between cell phone use while driving and accidents. Our approach is . . .

The next time you pick up your cell phone while driving remember that a text or call can wait but your life will not. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Your time is important. Let us write you an essay from scratch . 100% plagiarism free. Sources and citations are provided. Get essay help. Related essays. Car Safety: Texting While Driving Essay. Roadside Screening Of . . .

Talking or messaging on a phone while driving is a serious distraction. Using cell phones while driving can lead you to a fatal accident. There are a few reasons that cell phones should be banned while driving (except in emergency) such as. text messaging. talking on the phone and use of electronic gadgets for cell phones.

Research shows that between 20 or 30 percent of automobile accidents happen in the United States while being distracted for any reason such as. talking on the phone in a heated conversation. eating. adjusting the radio. looking off. rubber necking. etc. indicates the increases the risk by four.




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